
Known as the food bowl of South Australia, the Murraylands and Riverland is renowned for its ability to produce abundant high-quality, pest-free fruit and nuts, vegetables, grains, wine grapes, livestock (including pigs, sheep and cattle), and value-added products. Our fresh, clean food and beverages are enjoyed throughout Australia and overseas, with growing export demand.
The major economic activity is primary production, accounting for 34% of gross regional product, and one in five jobs.
Regional tourism is also a major driver of regional development, with growing interest in our food and wine sector, and in nature-based experiences along the Murray River. Another growing sector is renewable energy, with $1 billion of new infrastructure to be constructed by 2020.
The region is home to world-class tourism offerings, including internationally recognised motorsport, wildlife safari and nature-based experiences. The region also offers premium food, wine and accommodation along the length of the Murray River and the Mallee.
Evolutions in communications, transport, trade, computing (including artificial intelligence), small-scale manufacturing, renewables and recycling present opportunities for the region.