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    Geotourism is an increasingly popular trend within the Australian tourism industry, as more individuals seek out distinctive and authentic travel experiences that allow them to explore a destination's natural and cultural heritage. These experiences not only offer travellers a unique adventure but also effectively communicate the significance of geoscience to the wider Australian community.

    To support and enhance the delivery and interpretation of high-quality natural and cultural heritage content, with a focus on geology and landscape, the National Geotourism Strategy (NGS) was established in 2021. As a result, there is a growing need for a technology platform that can provide an up-to-date inventory of Australian geotrails, geosites, mining areas, and cultural sites.

    A digital platform prototype has been developed, known as the Australian Geotourism Discovery Portal. This platform serves as an information hub for various user personas, enabling them to discover and explore a wide range of attractions and destinations across Australia. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface and easy navigation. Users can explore the platform by state or GeoRegion, and each geosite, geotrail, mining site, or cultural site, is accompanied by detailed descriptions, photos, and available amenities. This allows travellers to gain a sense of what to expect before their visit. The platform is accessible through desktop and mobile browsers, ensuring that travellers can plan their trips conveniently while on the go. Furthermore, the platform can potentially integrate with other travel tools, such as booking and transportation services, to offer a seamless travel experience.

    The prototype of the Australian Geotourism Discovery Portal is set to be launched in Q3 2023. During this phase, the platform will be made available to potential partner organisations and NGS stakeholders. Moving forward, the next steps involve aggregating data from diverse sources, including geological surveys, partner organisations, and public spatial repositories. This process poses a significant challenge and necessitates cooperation and support from multiple stakeholders. Subsequently, in Q4 2023, an evaluation will be conducted to assess the prototype's suitability and effectiveness. A public release of the platform is scheduled for late 2023 or early 2024.

    If you are interested in contributing to the advancement of the Australian Geotourism Discovery Portal and assisting with these next steps, please reach out to the Chair of Working Group 1 - Digital Technologies, Mark Williams E: A presentation by Mark to the recent AESC 2023 conference in Perth, Western Australia about this platform can also be accessed at
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  •   John Sheridan reacted to this post about 10 months ago
    Angus M Robinson uploaded a new video

    In accordance with the National Geotourism Strategy, the Australian Geoscience Council has recommended (and the State/Territory Geological Surveys has recently confirmed) that groups wishing to establish a potential geopark, using the mechanism of ‘GeoRegions’, should explore various alternative options for geotourism development. The concept of GeoRegions underpinning an initial exploratory step is also now accepted by the Australian government geoscience agencies to establish the merits of potential geopark development, to gain a high level of community awareness, and to gain support from government agencies.

    An approved GeoRegion is defined as an area that is recognised as an area of special natural and cultural heritage highlighting outstanding geoheritage features within which proposed geotrail and potential geopark projects can be developed in support of geotourism.

    As a first step, a full audit of natural and cultural heritage attributes in the proposed GeoRegion as well as early discussions with state/territory based Geological Surveys, Planning and Environment agencies, and any other state/territory government agencies responsible for land and resource management is strongly recommended.

    The GeoRegion mechanism therefore provides a framework to undertake comprehensive consultation with a full range of interested or impacted community groups (including Aboriginal communities) and to resolve any identified land tenure conflict issues that may arise.

    The commencement of the GeoRegion assessment process is defined by a proponent (which might include for example Local Government (LGA), or a Regional Development Authority (RDA) having completed preferably an approved tourism Destination Management Plan, or alternatively a community or special interest group interested in geotourism development.

    In developing global geopark proposals, UNESCO appreciates that each Nation State can implement its own procedures for assessment. In the case of Australia, the concept of establishing a GeoRegion as a strategy is an important first step for geopark proponents to use, and is of local relevance only and would fall away if a GeoRegion project supported by the relevant State/Territory Government is morphed into a Geopark nomination. UNESCO is comfortable with what is being developed in Australia in this respect as it is clearly understood that this concept is only a ‘domestic construct.’

    Early consultation with relevant state/territory agencies that have land and resource management responsibilities and/or planning and environment responsibilities within the proposed GeoRegion, and this should include the relevant Geological Survey as well as those LGAs with jurisdictional responsibilities.

    To date, Australia has three approved GeoRegions – Murchison (WA) and Ku-ring-gai and Glen Innes (NSW).
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  • Angus M Robinson uploaded a new video
    Understanding a GeoRegion - Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion, NSW
    As highlighted previously, in 2018 FOKE initiated a project to add extra protections to, and increase awareness of, Ku-ring-gai’s natural heritage focusing originally on Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park.

    This has since developed into a...
    As highlighted previously, in 2018 FOKE initiated a project to add extra protections to, and increase awareness of, Ku-ring-gai’s natural heritage focusing originally on Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park.

    This has since developed into a much broader area as we have advanced the proposal of a GeoRegion with Ku-ring-gai Chase as its centre, now extending along Berowra Valley, from the Hawksbury River to northern Lane Cove National Park, east to the coast from Barrenjoey to Dee Why.

    This large area, of approximately 44,000 ha, across northern Sydney showcases exceptional characteristics, with over 50 national and internationally significant geological environments of the Triassic sandstone landscapes of the Sydney Basin, unique and rare flora and fauna, and a density of Aboriginal sites that reflects the length of habitation in this area, with 1,424 sites currently recorded. A short video can be seen here.

    The proposal has been endorsed in principle by the Geological Survey of NSW and is supported by three local Councils (Hornsby, Ku-ring-gai, and Northern Beaches) and the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and local MPs. ‘ Geotrails’ identifying a network of key sites are being developed with appropriate interpretation, with the first of these expected to open in 2023.

    The Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion is also referenced and recognised in the Australian Government’s THRIVE 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy as having the potential to be one of three GeoRegions to be nominated as an Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark for Australia.
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