Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Transport, Postal and Warehousing is made up of road transport, customs agency and freight forwarding, storage, freight terminals, bus, courier services, taxis, ferries, air charter, airports, postal services, sea freight, rail, grain storage, pipelines, domestic and international air transport.
The sector includes 212,333 businesses and employs 546,364 people.
Almost half the jobs in the Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry are machinery operators and drivers. Employment in this industry increased strongly over the past five years. Jobs in the industry are under real threat of increased automation and this has been happening for many years.

Automated vehicles are coming, but not yet. In controlled environments like mine sites, ports, farms, and private roads automated vehicles have already arrived.
But public environments present many challenges that may take a generation to address. These include appropriate regulation, investments in infrastructure, proof of safety, capital investment lag times and insurance.
However, blockchain and AI are impacting logistics, storage, freight forwarding and supply chain management. Robots are being used in freight handling, port, rail and airport operations.
Wearables and video based safety monitoring systems help to improve safety for train drivers, by monitoring behaviour, tiredness and the time spent in the cab.
Warehouse workers are wearing wrist screens to direct them to product locations enabling worker performance to be monitored and compared. Tasks are increasingly being automated and it will not be long before warehouses are completely automated, with stackers being replaced by robots.
Systems used to monitor safety can be used to monitor and compare individual performance, so personal monitoring is a double edge sword.
Other technological threats to the Transport industry are Cybersecurity and the threat of deliberate interference with robots and automated systems in transport, ports, airports and warehousing.
Employment: 546,364
Organisations: 212,333
Avg Salary:

Air Transport
Pipeline Transport
Postal and Courier Services
Rail Transport
Road Freight Transport
Road Passenger Transport
Taxi Service
Airport Operations
Custom Agency Services
Freight Forwarding Service
Port and Water Transport Terminals
Services to Transport
Services to Water Transport
Grain Storage
Other Storage
Water Freight Transport
Water Passenger Transport
Air Transport
Activities: Air passenger transport, Aircraft charter-
Blockchain, IoT, AI -
Other issues
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
STRIX Uncrewed Aerial System -
Pipeline Transport
Activities: Pipeline for natural gas, oil-
IoT, AI -
Droniq - Aerial patrol of pipelinesArtificial Intelligence (AI)
Lake Mead Operation and Inspection Video -
Postal and Courier Services
Activities: Mail service, Postal agency, Post office, Express pickup and delivery, Messenger service-
IoT, Drones -
Other issues
Parcel Handling and Sorting System for Belgium PostDrones
Royal Mail use drones to deliver post to remote island -
Rail Transport
Activities: Rail freight, Rail Passenger-
Blockchain, IoT, AI, Robots -
How Hitachi Rail Tech Enabled Global First in Heavy Freight Rail Automation -
Road Freight Transport
Activities: Furniture removal, Road freight, Truck hire-
Robots, IoT, AI, Blockchain -
Other issues
EV, Hydrogen
Truck Safety: Monitoring technology helping to make the roads safer for everyone, A transport company is leading the way in road health and safety by using a ‘fatigue and inattention’ system to monitor driver performance. -
Road Passenger Transport
Activities: Airport bus, Metropolitan bus, School bus, Charter bus, Interurban bus, Rural bus, Airport bus, Metropolitan bus, School bus-
Robots, IoT -
Other issues
EV, Hydrogen
Taxi Service
Activities: Hire car, Taxi service, Uber-
Robots, IoT, Digital ID -
Other issues
Digital ID, EV, Hydrogen
Robots are already changing jobs as an endless array of robots enter our everyday lives. From trucking to service work to high-end jobs like doctors and lawyers, this documentary explores how robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the workplace. -
Airport Operations
Activities: Air traffic control, Airport operation, Airport baggage handling-
Blockchain, IoT, AI -
Police Robots in Singapore AirportDrones
DroneShield Corporate VideoArtificial Intelligence (AI)
Elenium - Darwin International Airport -
Custom Agency Services
Activities: Custom agency, Custom clearance-
Blockchain, IoT, AI, Digital ID -
Other issues
Digital ID
Freight Forwarding Service
Activities: Road freight, Air freight, Rail freight, Water freight-
Blockchain, IoT, AI, Robots -
Port and Water Transport Terminals
Activities: Port operation, Container terminal, Coal loader, Ship mooring-
Blockchain, IoT, AI, Robots -
Patrick Terminals - Brisbane AutoStradDrones
DroneShield Corporate VideoArtificial Intelligence (AI)
Hovermap ST-X - Extending the Reach of Autonomous LiDAR Mapping -
Services to Transport
Activities: Container terminal, Road freight terminal, Toll road operation, Railway station, Snow transport, Ski lift, Ski tow-
IoT, AI, Robots, Blockchain -
Robots are already changing jobs as an endless array of robots enter our everyday lives. From trucking to service work to high-end jobs like doctors and lawyers, this documentary explores how robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the workplace.Drones
Counting traffic from a drone -
Services to Water Transport
Activities: Pilotage service, Salvage service, Tugboat -
Activities: Ship loading, Stevedoring-
IoT, AI, Robots -
Patrick Terminals - Brisbane AutoStrad -
Grain Storage
Activities: Grain elevator, Grain silo -
Other Storage
Activities: Bond store, Cool room storage, Furniture storage, Refrigerated storage-
Blockchain, IoT, Robots -
Water Freight Transport
Activities: International sea freight, Coastal sea freight, Freight ferry-
Blockchain, IoT, AI -
Cargo Hold Water Blasting with Innovative Robotics -
Water Passenger Transport
Activities: Boat charter, Ferry, Water taxi -
Data courtesy
Skills options

Australian Apprenticeships provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships, including factsheets and links.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching provides information about Australian universities, including study experiences and employment outcomes.

MYSKILLS is an online database of Vocational Education and Training options, including information about providers, courses, outcomes and fees. for information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and Registered Training Organisations.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research provides research and statistics about Vocational Education and Training and the links between education and the labour market.

myfuture is an online career exploration service which includes information on a range of career-related topics.